Friday, October 28, 2011

When I was first introduced to Real Time Pain Relief (RTPR), I was told, incidentally, that I could make money as an affiliate. Not knowing what that meant, I was told I could participate by either selling directly to a customer or retail outlet or recruit others to sell for me.


First thing that popped up in my mind was “MLM!”

Not that there’s anything wrong with it, as a buyer for a manufacturing company, I already made a fine living, so making additional income selling pain cream or recruiting others was the furthest thing on my mind. My goal was to try the product that supposedly has “healing” characteristics, knowing full well that there’s no such thing as a cure for chronic pain sufferers like me. Long story short, my motivation was to find a better way of maintaining my pain and relief, better than what’s found on a pharmacy shelf.

Pain is one of those good and bad things, a love-hate relationship with residual consequences. Good in that it tells us what not to do, bad in that it’s a constant reminder of our illnesses, injuries, abuses and just plain getting old. It’s uncomfortable, distracting and down right painful. You know that pain is a consequence if you cut, burn, bruise, strain or break something. As a reminder of the pain that occurs, you use this information to steer away from the risks, hazards and perils that can cause these pain induced incidents. You love knowing that it reminds you of what can happen if you make the wrong decisions, and hate it when it happens. Unfortunately, the pain that you suffer now is a direct result of an incident or a series of incidents that occurred years ago. My opinion, and I share this with a lot of you, I don’t like hurting in any shape or form and the less I hurt the better I feel and happy I am.

The way I took care of bone, muscle, joint and ligament pain which in my historic past was caused by stupid injuries like falling off farm rigs, roof tops, playing varsity football at 120 lbs., running long distances on hard pavement roads, and 40 years of martial arts fighting. Oh, I also survived car accidents. Not fun. At over 60 years old, this stuff catches up with you and each and every morning, my joints remind me that I’m a real mess.

Years ago, I learned to take OTC pills and use pain creams. Placebo or not, they made me well enough to get through the day with the least amount of pain.

So the use of pain creams has been a part of me for some time, and I didn’t mind trying this RTPR to see if what they say in their website is true to the hype.

Well, the jury’s out and it works.

I don’t want to get into why, because there’s enough stuff on the site that tells you why.

I’ve conveniently put some of the highlights on the side bar for you to peruse.

From a product standpoint, will it cure my pain, the answer is no. Does it help manage my pain as good as, if not better than what's found on the shelves, the answer is yes. So, is it a scam? To me, I think it's worth the money. In this consumer based world, what more can you ask for?

To Learn More Click Here


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